By Tom and Olly
No electricity, no hot showers, no worries.
Our week at Mkhuze was basic to say the least but absolutely fantastic.

We slept well that night despite the calls
of Spotted Hyaena echoing round the camp. Blissfully in the morning we awoke to
find a lack of mosquito bites on ourselves, we soon realised we hadn’t seen a
single one and had stumbled upon a safe haven from these blood sucking
manifestations of Satan.
The camp came to life Monday morning when
the rest of the Amakentshane group arrived on the game viewers to a 5 star reception.
We showed off our leopard pictures but little did we know that other members of
our group would be treated to an even better sighting later in the week.
After catching up with the rest of the
group we headed out on a game drive, the sheer amount of information thrown our
way by the guides (or as we refer to them “walking encyclopaedias”) was
enormous. What seemed like thousands of names of birds/trees and bugs brought
about the realisation that one day we would hopefully be able to guide like
them, albeit a long time away!
In the evening we quickly mastered the use
of flashlights as without lights it got dark very quickly, and the odds of
walking into trees or taking the wrong path to your hut multiplied tenfold.
the second day we rose with the sun, and headed out of camp by 5:00am much to
the shock of several members of our group. The morning drive was quiet and we
found ourselves at Kumasinga hide at around 8:00 for breakfast. Once the
cereal was inhaled we entered the hide and had several good sightings of birds
to add to our ever growing species lists.
We returned to the environmental camp and
spent an evening around the fire eating up a stew made by the student duty
team. The darkness made it a lot easier to eat! We were also welcomed to the
camp by a resident genet that watched over our fire from the branches of a
Lembombo Wattle.
Day three was fantastic however, throughout
the morning game drive several acacias were brutally attacked by our guides
cutting off branches with their Leatherman’s. It didn’t take Sherlock holmes to
figure out what was coming our way, was less than desirable. However we were
offered some light entertainment by Wanroe’s odd bird identification,
especially his stringy call on a “knob backed lark”. We spent the afternoon
identifying those damn saplings. General moaning about how the branches weren’t
in the book, or the fact they all looked the same were occasionally punctuated
with shouts of pain as people (mainly Brett) stabbed themselves on sharp thorns
and spines. This was only the beginning of the hard work….
Day four and so the students take over.
This was the first of many days in the Hotseat, as it became to be known. While
there we were required to take over guiding duties and show the rest of the
vehicle what we had learnt. So we threw in all the information we had gained on
birding, trees, mammals, tracks, the park itself and the vehicle we were riding
in. We were such good guides we even managed to track down the elusive black
rhino in thick bush and show it off to our guides, this is when the student
surpassed the master for a few brief seconds.
Later on that day we were taken to the
observation point to have a night time astronomy lecture. This was particularly
awesome, as there is nothing that can really compete with staring up the stars
on a clear night with hyaena serenading us in the background. Nick held us
captive with his stories of the heavens and the various mythologies behind
five marked the end of the week and the resident nicotine addicts in the group
could stop thinking about rolling up various types of animal scat into a
cigarette and look forward to a proper one when they returned to camp. We had a
morning game drive which was mostly uneventful except for a close encounter of
the horned kind. One of the guide vehicles was charged by a male white rhino
trying to protect his female. They rewarded us afterwards with some stunning
photo opportunities.
Many of us weren’t too keen to head back as
we were very happy to have no electricity over mosquitoes any day.
It was a nice feeling to know that when we
next returned we would be on our assessment drives for our FGASA level one
qualification and would definitely know tonnes more than what we currently do.
in all we squeezed every last drop of information and experience that we
possibly could out of the week. We would like to give a big thanks to our guides,
Paul, Nick and Pieter for blackmailing our tired and weary minds into work for
a refreshing pool session at the main camp.
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